About MFW

New IMAGE_page-0005Ceci and Angelica met in 2008 while studying Economics in college. Their friendship soon flourished as they both realized their shared love for fiction.
Ten years later, one living in Berlin and the other in Mexico City, they decided to bridge the distance between them by sharing their passion – fiction by women – through this blog. Their very long-term goal is to read one book written by a female author from every country of the world.
This project intertwines with another shared ideal, to live in a world where girls and women have the same rights and opportunities as men. That’s why the reading project is complemented with facts about the gender gap in each country and different local initiatives that are empowering women and girls, either through literature, education or other channels.

With each book we read we will update the banner from the blog. Apart from our reading schedule, our target is to read one book each, written by a woman, every month.  Edit: Our lives got a bit complicated in the past year, but we will keep updating the blog frequently (trying really hard to do it on a monthly basis).

AngélicaAngelica (angecreixell)

I love fiction, especially reading fiction about countries and cities I want to travel to. I am very excited because this is my first blog.

pulgareyes Ceci (pulgareyes)

I love reading, traveling, eating and blogging about books, travels and food.
